Friday, November 25, 2016

Nguyen Thu An/Death Penalty/Wed 9-11AM


  1. Hey it's bochra . First of all, i would like to say well done for choosing such a controversial and interesting topic that some countries still turn a blind eye to it and considered it as an important and doesn't take it serious.
    And believe me most of middle east countries specially egypt still fight for it even in our country tunisia but women gathered and stand for it. Going back to your presentation, as how the topic is really sensitive i can saw and listen and feel it through your both vocal variaty and on your face when you did an eye contact to the camera.
    Even though , you were really sick but i like your presentation comparing to the previous one which you improved a lot. But i wish if you work on giving presentation in the fututre by getting rid of the script i know it's hard . it is for me but let's do it ^^ good luck and wish you the best

  2. interesting topic , it was nice that you arranged to insist your point of views on this controversial topic in 5 minutes, but don't hesitate to take a bit more longer , and you could maybe add some ideas and point that people are agree with death penalty , if you mention some of their ideas and reasons on why they agree with that, your presentation will be more informative ,
